Malaysia Orthopaedic Nurses Association
Welcome to Malaysian Orthopaedic Nurses Association
Malaysian Orthopaedic Nurses Association (MONA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of orthopaedic health care in the community and promoting orthopaedic nursing as a specialty.
MONA has established a platform that focuses on:
- Sharing of evidence-based knowledge
- Promote Orthopaedic nursing best practices
- Developing Orthopaedic Nurse Leader
- Bridging the educational and practice gap
- Mentoring Young Orthopaedic Nurses
- Networking
- Impart Corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects that aims to contribute to society by engaging in or supporting by volunteering in activities that will benefit the public.
Our members represent a broad spectrum of care settings, including public and private hospitals, rehabilitation centres, universities, and rural hospitals.
MONA collaborates with other prominent associations and organisations such as the International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nursing (ICON) and Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Nurses Alliance (ANZONA) to provide orthopaedic nurses with a variety of educational opportunities and to promote quality orthopaedic care from a nursing standpoint.
Thank you for visiting our website; feel free to contact us if you have any questions.